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May Project Update

During May we commissioned some bespoke youth engagement work to understand the priorities young people may have for the changing area and look forward to incorporating the outcomes of this work into the emerging regeneration framework. We have also been reviewing the findings of our accessibility reports and are updating the framework accordingly to ensure Frome Gateway can be enjoyed by all.

Sincere thanks to those who took the time to complete the recent online survey. There were 20 respondents in total who provided a snapshot of public opinion. Whilst this is a small sample it has served to sense check the emerging plans which has been really valuable. The majority of respondents (55%) were in support of the vision statement. 15% of respondents were not in support and the remaining respondents either left blank or neither agreed nor disagreed. The spatial concept plan was supported by the majority of respondents (65%) with 10% of respondents not in support. Remaining respondents either left blank or neither agreed nor disagreed.

The majority of respondents (75%) supported the movement, wayfinding and streets plans with 10% of respondents not in support. Remaining respondents either left blank or neither agreed nor disagreed. The blue and green spaces plans were supported by the majority of respondents (65%) with 15% of respondents not in support and remaining respondents neither agreed nor disagreed. We received a range of comments across a number of key themes which are set out below along with our response.


'You said …'

  • There is a need for safer streets by minimising cycle/pedestrian conflict and reducing vehicular speeds
  • Support for improved connections and addressing rat running
  • Support for a new bus stop on Newfoundland Way
  • The importance of crossings was also emphasised

'We're doing …'

  • Aiming to deliver segregated cycle lanes wherever possible
  • Including modal filter on Pennywell Road to reduce vehicle speeds and rat running, and make the southern end of the road far more community focused
  • Supporting and referencing the exploration of new bus stop on Newfoundland Way in the regeneration framework, however it must be emphasised that this is outside of the Frome Gateway regeneration. It is a consideration for long-term metro bus route improvements, not this project.
  • Including new key crossings


'You said …'

  • Support for tree planting and consideration for wildlife
  • Emphasised the importance of enhancing biodiversity corridor

'We're doing …'

  • Promoting biodiversity through River Frome Restoration Project
  • Promoting the general greening of the area with new street trees and improvement of green spaces

Social infrastructure

'You said …'

  • Concern regarding the pressure on local services e.g doctors and schools
  • Emphasised the need to protect community, cultural and entertainment venues

'We're doing …'

  • Liaising closely with the Integrated Care Board and Department for Education to inform planning for the provision of health and education services locally
  • Setting out the importance existing cultural and community assets within the framework and the expectation that these should be supported to remain and grow in the area


'You said …'

  • Questions raised regarding housing provision (particularly affordable homes, family homes and student accommodation)
  • Concern that affordable homes may not be available to those from the area

'We're doing …'

  • Evidencing housing need within the regeneration framework, particularly affordable housing to meet local needs. It must be understood that housing delivery will largely be dependent on viability and determined through the planning process, as set out in the Scope of Community Influence
  • We will work with developers to maximise affordable housing, particularly on council owned land

Park and river

'You said …'

  • Emphasised the importance of maintaining the park and river including addressing fly tipping and rubbish
  • Expressed concerns regarding flooding
  • Concern for the inclusion of pocket parks rather than one larger additional green space

'We're doing …'

  • Liaising with relevant council teams regarding maintenance and cleanliness
  • Moreover, we are promoting investment in the area which we hope will change perceptions and behaviours over time to reduce such things as fly tipping, for example
  • Including guidance on appropriate flood risk management approaches in the framework to help ensure that new development is safe for future residents
  • Exploring how to further enhance green amenity


'You said …'

  • Concern about gentrification
  • Emphasis on importance of local community benefiting from the regeneration
  • Emphasis on the importance of considering local businesses who are employers of those residing locally
  • Need to ensure construction is high quality and sustainable
  • Mixed response as to whether Frome Gateway is re-named

'We're doing …'

  • Identifying opportunities for local community benefits and placing emphasis on those within the regeneration framework
  • Developing employment and skills strategy to promote a thriving local economy
  • Championing high quality development within the regeneration framework which will be guided and determined by planning policy

In the spirit of openness, we created a Scope of Community Influence at the outset of the project. We encourage you to revisit this to understand the degree of involvement and influence the community will have on the regeneration framework given the complexity of the project and competing considerations and influences. We also suggest a re-read of how we are responding to the Community Place Principles to see how we are working towards delivering against the community's priorities.