Community Place Principles
We have had 100s of conversations with local residents via walkabouts, workshops and door knockings.
Through these many conversations, a strong picture of what is important to the community has emerged -related to the regeneration of the Frome Gateway area as well as the wider neighbourhood.
Several key themes, ideas and suggestions for future development of Frome Gateway have become clear. These themes and ideas have been distilled by the community into a series of Place Principles, which set out the aspiration for change in this area.
The Community Place Principles cover the following topics:
- New homes community space, places for work and leisure
- Opening up access to the River Frome
- Diverse and Inclusive communities
- Environmentally sustainable and healthy neighbourhood
- Friendly and safe streets and spaces for all
- Better connectivity and transport
- Establishing and celebrating identity of place
Scroll through the images below to see the Community Place Principles. Objectives have been added to each Place Principle to explain what they mean and what success would look like in the area. Ideas have also been proposed as to how they could be achieved.
You can also download a PDF of the community Place Principles here.
How we’re responding to the Community Place Principles
Below we have set out how the project team are responding to the Community Place Principles in the initial design and development proposals, emerging Regeneration Framework, and in preparation for delivery phases of the project
These are organised by the three categories set out in the Scope of Influence. It is worth noting that, because Regeneration Frameworks are strategic documents to guide long-term change, they do not typically include a lot of detail on very specific matters. They set a direction of travel and design and development principles to be adhered to. Therefore, while we have included some information about how we are responding the Community Place Principles below, work towards delivering against the Community Place Principles will continue throughout the delivery phases of the regeneration project and doesn’t end with the Regeneration Framework.
A lot of the detail on very specific matters will be developed post completion of the Regeneration Framework, once it is in operation and once individual, more detailed projects (such as individual planning applications) are being prepared. These individual and more specific projects will give a clearer sense of specific actions and interventions to meet the Community Place Principles. We’ll seek to update progress on this at appropriate times.
New homes, community space and leisure
You said |
We're doing |
Strong Influence
Parts of the framework which the community can develop and deliver solutions with us.
- Improve/ more play areas for children
- Provide a new community centre including services and spaces for young people
- We’re including provision for new and improved community spaces, children’s play spaces and multi-use games areas. The community will be invited to shape more detailed proposals when spaces and funding is secured through the planning process
Some Influence
Parts of the framework which the community can help shape alongside other factors.
This includes commenting on decisions made throughout the process and helping to develop solutions. |
- Provide parking for homes
- The amount of parking provision will be determined on a plot-by-plot basis as per planning policy.
Less Influence
Parts of the framework which the community will be informed about but have little influence over. |
- Provide Local Lettings Policy
- Provision of social housing to meet local need and be genuinely affordable
- Social housing that encourages long term tenure
- We’re including a target of 1,000 new homes in the emerging framework, and have produced a bespoke Housing Strategy to better inform our approach to meeting local housing needs (such as affordable and larger family homes). We will also be exploring a local lettings policy.
Environmentally sustainable and healthy neighbourhood
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We're doing |
- Improve facilities in Riverside Park to encourage use, such as play spaces, exercise and meeting spaces
- Park improvements to provide screening (visual and acoustic) from the M32/ Newfoundland Way
- New seating in places where the M32 isn’t visible
- Create a community garden
- We’re working with the community to establish design and use principles for parks and green spaces which will be included in the Regeneration Framework. The community will be invited to shape more detailed proposals when funding is secured for enhancements.
- Improve biodiversity and ecology
- Keep existing trees and add more
- Increase green space across the site for people to dwell and connect with nature
- The framework will require development plots to make a minimum of 10% ‘Biodiversity Net Gain’
- We’re including the provision of a network of new smaller ‘pocket parks’ and green spaces, as well as greener streets, to increase space for the community and wildlife.
- We’ve secured funding from central government to deliver a river restoration project to enhance the River Frome as a wildlife corridor
- Manage the impact of construction on the river i.e. run off and contaminants such as concrete etc
- Construction management is a key part of successfully delivering development in a socially and environmentally conscious way. Construction Management Plans are agreed after planning permission has been granted
Diverse and inclusive communities
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We're doing |
- Provide a youth club, centre and community rooms for new and existing residents to use together
- Provide youth training and employment skills for local people
- Improved local Mosque facilities
- Playground and activities for young people
- We’re highlighting the need for community spaces as part of new development to help build community capacity and support community cohesion and will be working with community assets such as the Mosque to help increase reach into the community
- Support local jobs and business opportunities
- Provide employment opportunities for women
- Create small business space
- Provide affordable work spaces
- Create mixed use neighbourhoods, where people live and work in the same area
- We’re producing a bespoke Frome Gateway Employment Land & Skills Strategy to inform the provision of employment spaces, services and opportunities for skills and training for local people, including young people and women. This will also be used to inform emerging planning policy in Bristol’s emerging Local Plan.
- Incorporate services: GPs, schools, nurseries
- We’re analysing the impact of the Frome Gateway project on local services such as schools and GPs to identify where improvements in capacity need to be made.
Better connectivity and transport
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We're doing |
- Improve signage and wayfinding through the area
- We’ll be scoping opportunities to
improve wayfinding and signage in the area and will be developing this with the community as soon as we can
- More and wider crossings over the M32
- New bridge over the River Frome linking
- Eugene Street to Wellington Road
- Improve footpath from Pennywell Road to River Frome
- Connect into the Dove Lane development, extending the St Paul’s green link
- Segregate pedestrians and cyclists
- Improve public transport accessibility
- Retain private car access, considering the CAZ
- Improving connections across Newfoundland Way, the River Frome, Pennywell Road, Easton Way and Wade Street/Houlton Street is a key design objective to help reconnect communities
- Have a tram/ rail system along the M32
- As part of the metrobus system, we’re exploring options for a new bus terminal on Newfoundland Way to improve public transport connectivity for the St Jude’s and St Paul’s communities
Friendly streets and spaces for all
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We're doing |
- Provide better lighting
- Create safe spaces for women
- Improve safety for cyclists on Pennywell Road
- Improve pedestrian and cyclist safety at crossing points along Wade Street and Pennywell Road
- We’re working with the community to establish design principles for key streets such as Pennywell Road and Wade Street
- Provide parking for residents
- Provide wider pavements
- Discourage speeding and rat-running through the area
- Enforce parking restrictions
- The framework will re-prioritise the movement network to make it easier to walk and cycle while maintaining servicing access for businesses and homes. We’ll be undertaking a transport assessment to better understand the impact of proposed transport changes on the wider network
- Across much of the regeneration area we’ll be requiring ‘active’ ground floor uses (such as employment and community spaces) across the regeneration area to increase street activity to help create vibrant and safer streets
Opening up access to the river Frome
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We're doing |
- Leave grassland in the park
- Clearly mark cycle/ pedestrian pathways
- We’ll be opening up a new pedestrian walking route along the left riverbank (if looking downstream)
- Clean the river
- Open up access to the river in a safe way, including walkways, viewing points, and opportunities for activities such as pond dipping and water sports.
- As part of the Resilient Frome project, we’ve secured funding from central government to make the River Frome more attractive and visible and improve it as a wildlife corridor and community asset
Establishing and celebrating identity of place
You said |
We're doing |
- Adopt a more descriptive and heritage valued name of the area
- Include space for public art
- Support formation of a ‘Friends of Riverside Park’ group
- Support existing community uses and groups
- We’ll be working with the community to establish public art principles in the framework to help us secure developer contributions to public art across the area
- Encourage pop-ups and meanwhile uses
- Protect cultural and music venues
- We’ll be working with landowners and developers to secure temporary and permanent community and cultural spaces so we can help to grow Frome Gateway’s character and identity as the area changes