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August ‘23 Project Update

Hello from the Frome Gateway project team!

It’s been a few months since we last posted an update. We have been busy over summer working on drafting the Frome Gateway Regeneration Framework and completing the supporting studies.

Regeneration Frameworks have many different influencing factors, and it's taken longer than we had expected! However, it's an important document and it's important that it properly and accurately captures the scale of the vision for Frome Gateway and the opportunities (and complexities) it presents. Earlier in the year we published the emerging vision for Frome Gateway which will be largely unchanged in the framework.

We are now in the final stages of drafting the Framework document and preparing for public consultation. Since we began the project, we have tried our best to maximise opportunities for the community and other stakeholders to share their thoughts on the Frome Gateway area. The Community Place Principles were produced before we began any design work to define local priorities, and these have been an invaluable guide to us. You can read more about work to date and the Community Place Principles on our web pages.

We are intending to publish the draft framework for consultation during October for six weeks. This is the more formal opportunity to tell us what you think about the Framework and how well it responds to your priorities for change. More information about the public consultation will be made available on this website as soon as we can, and we will ensure we notify you when the consultation is beginning via this mailing list.

The Frome Gateway project team