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Creating a vision for Frome Gateway

Over the course of 2022 we’ll be producing a Regeneration Framework to guide the long-term transformation of the land either side of the River Frome in St Jude's, known as Frome Gateway, to better meet the needs of the city and the local community.

To guide long-term transformation, and to ensure all stakeholders are working towards achieving the same goals, an important part of the process is establishing a long-term vision for Frome Gateway. The vision should be ambitious, compelling, deliverable and rooted in its local context.

As a project team, based on all of the work and engagement we’ve completed to date, our ambition is for Frome Gateway to become an exemplar neighbourhood recognised for high-quality and sustainable design and construction, its unique identity and community spirit, and its ability to support communities to live healthy and sustainable lifestyles. However, it’s crucial that we develop and shape the vision for Frome Gateway with the community and stakeholders as we move through the project.

There are a number of ways in which we’ve involved the local community and stakeholders to help shape and define the emerging vision, character and identity of Frome Gateway:

Community Place Principles

Through our feedback and conversations with the community in 2019-2020 themes and ideas were proposed for change in the Frome Gateway area. These were distilled into a set of Community Place Principles which set out the community’s aspirations for future change in the area. The Community Place Principles have now been refined and developed further through our community engagement to date in 2022.

The Community Place Principles cover the following topics:

  1. New homes community space, places for work and leisure
  2. Opening up access to the River Frome
  3. Diverse and Inclusive communities
  4. Environmentally sustainable and healthy neighbourhood
  5. Friendly and safe streets and spaces for all
  6. Better connectivity and transport
  7. Establishing and celebrating identity of place

Scroll through the images below to see the Community Place Principles. Objectives have been added to each Place Principle to explain what they mean and what success would look like in the area. Ideas have also been proposed as to how they could be achieved.

You can also download a PDF of the community Place Principles here.

Artist in Residence

What it was | What it is | Ambitions for Frome Gateway - Adapted from ‘wishing Penny well, Project Report – Scott Farlow Artist Poet’

Click here to download the report

Artist in Residence, and Artist Poet, Scott Farlow was commissioned for 6 months to work on the Story of Place with the local community to help set out the ambitions and future vision for Frome Gateway.

Throughout June and July 2022 Scott held creative conversations and collected thoughts and ideas about the future of this special neighbourhood.

The wishing Penny Well engagement was inspired by ‘Pennywell’ Road and a story about the discovery of a well beneath the playground at St. Nicholas of Tolentine School. The activities were intentionally experimental, providing imaginatively different ways for Scott to meet people in different areas and offered playful and interactive ways to have in person conversations.

Activities included mobile and static installations, the creation of temporary gardens and pocket parks, and public displays. The public were invited to use Scott as a canvas for their thoughts, and write them on an A-board he wore.

Participants ranged from long-time residents to new members of the community, employees and volunteers at local businesses, commuters and passers-by, regular park users, school children and young people, people going to the mosque and people going to the pub. The common thread was a genuine interest in engaging and sharing thoughts, issues, ideas, hopes and dreams.

The resulting outputs of the Artist’s residency will help guide and shape the future vision of Frome Gateway – around key themes for consideration (Navigability, Legibility, Conviviality), several recurring ideas shared by participants, and a co-created Statement of Intentions, compiled in recognition of the community’s aspirations.

Other influencing factors

As we set out in our ‘Scope of Community Influence’ document, the overall vision, character and identity of Frome Gateway will be shaped through community engagement alongside other influencing factors, including:

  • Existing and emerging planning policy (most notably Draft Policy DS5 Frome Gateway in Bristol’s emerging Local Plan and the Urban Living Supplementary Planning Document).
  • Technical, design and market/commercial analysis undertaken by the Frome Gateway project team
  • City objectives (such as those set out in the One City Plan and One City Strategies including the need to respond to the climate and ecological emergencies).
  • Landowner aspirations
  • Best practice design guidance
  • Market and commercial assessments, and considerations of deliverability and practicalities (such as development viability).